
Posts Tagged ‘Ta’lim’


Rivoyat: Uzun kechalarda ayvonga chiqib olis yulduzlarga termulganimda: “Shu miltir yulduzlardan narida nima bor ekan?” – deb o’ylardim. Balkim yana yulduzlar bordir. U yulduzlarning ortida-chi? Nima bor ekan? Endi bilaman – qorong’ulik bor, cheksiz-tubsiz zulmat bor… Qorong’ulik izlab, yulduzlardan nariga borish shart emas – uyingizdagi chiroqni o’chirsangiz bas, hammayoq zim-ziyo bo’ladi, darhol zulmat yetib keladi, chiroqlari o’chgan yurtlarga.

Ulug’ faylasuf Umar Hayyom bizdan ham oldin yer bor edi, bizdan keyin ham qoladi, degan ekan. Menga tuyuladiki, dunyo ulkan bir qabristondir, axir ming yillar bo’yi odamlarni yerga ko’mganlar, bugun ham ko’mmoqdalar, ertaga yana ko’plab ko’madilar… Zaminda odamzod suyaklari bir necha qatlam bo’lsa kerak.

Ana shu qorong’u qabriston-dunyo kengliklarida imonli, tirik odamlar shamlarday unda-bunda kuyib yotadilar. Shuning uchun inson o’lganda dunyo nogoh qorong’ulashadi.

Cho’lpon halok bo’lgan kuni Turkiston uzra og’ir zulmat cho’kdi. Bugungacha yurtning o’sha chekini qorong’u bosib yotibdi. Cho’lpon kabi yona oladigan farzandlar tug’ilsa, yurt yorishadi… Ko’ngillar yorishsagina yurt yorishadi, ko’ngilni yoritadigan nur esa tafakkur yog’dusi, madaniyat sha’midir. Buyuk asarlar kolxoz, sovxoz bo’lib yozilmaydi, ularni daholar yozadilar…


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13:31. “Sport jurnalistikasi” fanidaman. Oraliq nazorat ishi yozar ekanmiz. Uning savollari quyidagicha:

  1. O’zbekiston milliy olimpiya qo’mitasi.
  2. Xalqaro olimpiya qo’mitasi.
  3. Olimpiada o’yinlari.

Men bu savollarni bundan oldingi parada ikkinchi potok talabalaridan olib, yozib qo’yganman. Dars oxirrog’ida topshirib ketaman. Darsning boshida domladan ketish uchun javob so’ragani xonasiga kirsam, ruxsat bermadi. Xonada, uning yonida yana kimdir bor ekan – yosh yigit, adashmasam, yangi domlalardan, shekilli, — u luqma tashlab, nafsoniyatimga tegadigan gap qildi. Achchig’im chiqib ketdi. Jerkib javob qilmoqchi bo’ldimu, o’zimni bosdim.

2-parada Olim akam fakultetga keldilar. Fayzulla Mo’minovda ishlari bor ekan. Ancha gaplashdik. Bu kishi diplom ishimning opponenti…

Yozib qo’ygan oraliq ishimni qizlar olib ko’chirishayotgan edi. Domla ko’rib qoldi. “Kim u Behzod …?”, deb so’radi. “Men”, deb o’rnimdan turdim. “Bunaqa maynavozchilik ketmaydi”, deb ishimni yirtib tashladi. Varaqni Saodat olgandi, bu ishdan keyin ancha xijolat bo’lib qoldi.

Ha, mayli, boshda borini ko’rarmiz. Domla, boshqatdan yozing, dedi. Yozgim yo’q.


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The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2011 cycle of the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program. Applications, including all supporting documents, are due by 5PM Monday, November 8, 2010. Before beginning your application, please carefully review the instructions and Frequently Asked Questions.

Applicants are encouraged to complete the application online. Please read the instructions and Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) carefully prior to beginning the application.


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Application Form (PDF — 257 kB)

Note: This Application is free of charge and may be duplicated.

Application Deadline: 6 P.M., Monday, February 8, 2010

Students are invited to apply for the 2010 Benjamin Franklin Summer Institute in the United States.   The Institute will bring together approximately 45 students, ages 16-18.  The Institute will host 35 students from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan – seven students from each of these five countries – who will be joined at the Institute by 10 competitively-selected Americans.  Activities will include discussions of global issues of common interest, leadership and media training, collaborative project development, community service, educational travel, and plans for follow-on activities.  The Institute will be three-to-four-weeks in duration between late June and late August.

The program will be intensive, academic, and highly interactive. The program sponsors seek energetic applicants who are ready to develop their skills in order to be effective leaders in their schools and communities.

Students who may apply are those who:
• were born on or after July 1, 1992 and before April 1, 1994
• are currently enrolled in 9th or 10th grade in high school or 1st or 2nd year in college/lyceum
• are proficient in the English language
• demonstrate strong leadership potential and interest in international relations or diplomacy
• have permission from parents to participate in the entire program.
• are citizens of Uzbekistan and eligible to receive an Uzbek passport

Applicants must:
— Complete the application form and submit it, in hard-copy, together with a photocopy of your passport or birth certificate to:
US Embassy, 3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block Yunusobod district, Tashkent 100093 Uzbekistan


— Complete the application, scan all pages (with the photo and completed signature pages) and send it electronically together with a scanned copy of your passport or birth certificate to Tashkent-Program@state.gov AND TashkentProgram@gmail.com.

Public Affairs Section will hold consultation meetings every Wednesday where you can ask your questions regarding the application forms.  Please call 140 2525 in advance to sign-up for the meetings.

Public Affairs Section
Embassy of the United States of America
3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block Yunusobod District
Tashkent, 100093 Uzbekistan
Phone: (+998-71) 140-2441
Fax: (+998-71) 120-6302
Email: Tashkent-Program@state.gov
Website: http://uzbekistan.usembassy.gov/exchanges

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